Title: Ninja Hattori – Hometown
Original Title: Ninja Hattori – Nin Nin Furusato Daisakusen no Maki
Year: 1983
Language: Tamil + Telugu + Hindi + Malayalam + Kannada + Bengali + Marathi + Japanese
Quality: WEB-Rip 480p & 720p HEVC
Size: 250MB & 350MB
Credits: ToonWorld4All
Details: Mukka Maru is the villai and he believes in computer. he loves Yumeko and wants to defeat Hattori. And soon when Hattori his Family and his friends were kidnapped suddenly he just had Kenichi. So they went to fight with him so Hattori fought Mukku Mary and won him and he forgives him and Hatori and Kenichi saved his family and friends they had a good time in Iga town.
Ninja Hattori: Hometown (1983) WEB-Rip – 480p -[Multi Audio] – 250MB
[GDTOT] – [MEGA] – [Usersdrive] – [Veryfiles]
Ninja Hattori: Hometown (1983) WEB-Rip – 720p HEVC -[Multi Audio] – 350MB
[GDTOT] – [MEGA] – [Usersdrive] – [Veryfiles]
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